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About Aventure Herbals

Congratulations on joining Aventure Herbal and Health Care Marketing pvt. Ltd! Aventure Herbal business model is built on the oldest type of advertising there is, word of mouth. Instead of buying advertising likes ads on television, internet, radio etc. Aventure Herbal pays commissions for referring others to its amazing products. It is important to understand that all commissions are based on the sale of products to end customers. That is to customers who purchase Aventure Herbal products for their personal use. When you sign up as a distributor (Independent Business Owner or IBO), you have taken the first step to earning commission. You don’t earn commissions for recruiting other IBO’s but you can earn commissions whenever those IBOs or their customers buy products- and the more IBOs you bring in, the more products your organization can sell. As customers renew their product purchases, you can earn residual recurring income, just for helping someone else to live a better life. As with any business, there is no guarantee of results and your success will depend on your own hard work, leadership skill, talent, diligence and perseverance. This business plan will give you an understanding of the three factors that determine how Aventure Herbal IBOs make money when they share products with others: the number of customers you sell to, how much those customers purchases each, month, and your effectiveness in building a marketing organization that expands your customer base by including other IBOS.A brief summary version, entitled compensation.

Overview can be found in the business plan Vision: - To Restore Health And Happiness Using Herbal Resource Ayurveda: - Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of health care that is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is presently in daily use by millions of people in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet and Pakistan. It is now in practice for health care in European countries. The word “Ayurveda” is a tatpurusha compound of the word Ayus meaning “Life” or “life principle”, and the word Veda, which refers to a system of “knowledge” Motto of Ayurveda is: SWASTHASYA SYASTHYA RAKSHANAM, AATURASHCHA VIKAR PRASHAMANAM”, means: “preservation to health of healthy person and treating ailments with breaking causative factors of pathogenesis.”

Ayurveda, which literally means the science of life (Ayur = Life, Veda = Science), ayurveda is an ancient medical science which was developed in India thousands of years ago. Believed to have been passed on to humans from the Gods themselves, Ayurveda developed and evolved into what it is today from several ancient treatises, most notably Adharva Veda which dates back to five thousand years. The ancient Vedic literature by sages has clearly laid out instructions to maintain health as well as fighting illness through therapies, massages, Herbal medicines, diet control and exercise.

Marketing guide line:
1. Aventure Herbal and health care marketing business is not a scheme’ to become a rich
2. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) please do not use false, misleading, deceptive or unfair sales practices or materials. Please help and also see your Down lines do not do so too.
3. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) please accurately conduct presentations and demonstrations accurately, and using company approved material.
4. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) please don’t make verbal or other representation except in compliance with company material.
5. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) Please don’t make comparisons that are likely to misled and against principle of fair competition. Choose the right points of comparison to make and don’t take unfair advantages or denigrate others or their products.
6. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) There is no guarantee or promise that you will make a certain level of income. Such things will differ to each individual since there is a strong connection to a person’s personal efforts, diligence, dedication, motivation and personal skills. Understand this and avoid disappointment while you create a solid working culture within your organization.
7. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) does not promote Aventure Herbal as a get-rich-quick scheme.
8. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) refers to Aventure Herbal as a business, not an investment.
9. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) focus on selling the products of the company and not solely the compensation plan.
10. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) answer the questions and queries of prospects and down lines fairly and honestly.
11. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) ensure accuracy of any product information provided, and only promote what is published in the company’s official marketing material;
12. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) present the compensation plan accurately and honestly, clearly portraying the level of effort required to achieve success:
13. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) not entice down lines from outside my line of sponsorship to sign under my organization;
14. Aventure Herbal IBO (INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER) be clear that Aventure Herbal is a direct selling Marketing opportunity in which my income is related to my marketing and leadership skills as well as my own personal efforts;

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